Poster: Curia’s Hybridoma-based Antibody Discovery to Support CAR-T Development

040E93C7-D189-4233-A102-58C0580BE529 publications patents

Chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR T cell) therapy is effective in treating blood cancers and holds
promise for treating solid tumors. The FDA has recently approved two types of CD19-targeting CAR-T
cells, tisagenlecleucel (Kymriah™, Novartis) in leukemia (August 2017) and lymphoma (May 2018) and
axicabtagene ciloleucel (Yescarta™, Kite Pharma) in lymphoma (October 2017). Nearly 1,000 CAR-T
clinical trials are ongoing worldwide (Fig. 1). For the next generation of CARs, novel tumor antigenbinding
mAbs are paramount. Here we describe the discovery of diverse, potent, fully human mAbs for
two CAR-T tumor targets.

(Click on poster image for access to full document)

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